Daily Archives: July 17, 2023

NRFB Bombshell Beach Natalia Fatale Doll The Fashion Royalty integrity toys

NRFB Bombshell Beach Natalia Fatale Doll The Fashion Royalty integrity toys12.5-inch articulated doll with rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes. High-fashion, ocean-inspired, hand-drawn, and custom-printed swimsuit. Clear pink high-heeled sandals. “Golden” cat-eye sunglasses with orange lenses. Pair of long-manicured hands.

Fashion Royalty Integrity Toys/Ashton Drake The Brides of Dracula Mina Doll VHTF

Fashion Royalty Integrity Toys/Ashton Drake The Brides of Dracula Mina Doll VHTF2010 Fashion Royalty Integrity Toys/Ashton Drake The Brides Of Dracula Mina Doll VHTF. Mina has been displayed. Her boots are a little worn and she does not have her hat.